Monday 25 May 2015

What is the Role of Chorus in Oedipus Rex???

What is the Role of Chorus in Oedipus Rex???

Greek tragedy is said to develop itself from the group of dancers and singers who used to partake in the worship of various gods. According to Aristotle the Chorus should be like one of the characters. Gradually the role of the Chorus became less and less important in classical tragedy, until in Roman tragedy the speeches of the Chorus were supposed to be made in between the acts.
Chorus discharges some broad functions in all classical tragedies. The structure of a Greek tragedy is determined by the Chorus. After the prologue, it is with the entry of the Chorus that a Greek tragedy begins. Various episodes are also marked off by choric odes. The conclusion of a Greek tragedy occurs with the exode or the exit song of the Chorus. It is the function of the Chorus to comment on actions and events. It also sometimes questions the characters. Its standard role is that of the moderator. At times it represents the view-point of the common spectator and in some cases it represents the view-point of the dramatist himself.
The functions of the Chorus are very well performed in Oedipus Rex.In this play the group of chorus (group) consist of twelve or fifteen elders of Thebes . This group is not intended to represent literally all of the citizen . According to Aristotle
“ A Sophoclean chorus is a character that takes an important role in the play”        
In “ Oedipus Rex” , the chorus acts as a character. There are many important uses of chorus . He can expand the past, comment on present and forbade the future. The chorus serves as a link between characters  and the audience. He expresses the feelings of audience . He plays the role of mediator, peace maker critic, expositor and commentator . While talking to other characters on stage, it has one role, while singing in choral odes, it plays another role. The chorus questions the characters  which rises in the minds of audience, so he is the representative of audience. Sometimes he presents the view-point of  the writer. He presents the summary of situation through his songs. He presents the under-lying massages, moral  lessons and philosophies of the play. He reveals the theater of human life. The choral odes have great importance in the play as the play is controlled by choral odes.
1).The first ode is called Parados which is sung after the prologue portion of the play. The opening song of chorus reveals the situation of Thebes. First he shows love for land and religion . He calls all the gods for help. He prays to gods for the protection of Thebes, from the destruction as he sings:
“There are no swords in this attack by fire,
No shield , but we are singed with cries.’’
This song is sung by chorus in an optimistic  tone.
2).The first ode and second song comes after the Teiresias , Oedipus episode. Here chorus is a victim of confusion as he has love for religion and love for king as well. The readers can observe that he is in conflict.
“But now a wilder thing is heard
From the old man skilled at hearing fate in wing beat of a bird….”
He concludes the song with a prayer. .
“Prove his heroic mind! These evil words are lie.”
It means that his love for king is more dominant as the king is man of qualities and status.
3).The second ode and third song is sung when Oedipus and Jocasta show irreverencey  towards Prophecies. He feels the blasphemic attitude of Jocasta and Oedipus , so he says:
“Let me be reverent in the ways of right.
Lowly the paths I journey on,
Let all my words and actions keep
The low of the pure universe
From highest Heaven handed down…”
He praises gods and then preaches the religious philosophy. He ridicules the blaspheme by saying that:
“The tyrant is a chief of pride
 who drinks from his  great sickening cup
Recklessness and vanity.”
Chorus condemns Jocasta and Oedipus for disgracing the oracles . He is still loyal to Oedipus but he is unhappy condemnation of prophecy by Jocasta and Oedipus . the mood of chorus in this song is somewhat curious. Chorus had an expression lamanation in this ode.
4).The third ode and fourth song is sung by chorus after the exit of Jocasta . When Oedipus comes to know that he was thrown by his parents to die, Jocasta judges the whole matter. Inspite of all his efforts she can not stop Oedipus from his Investigation . Chorus feels very happy and shows his  gratitude the mountains of Cithairon, He directly addresses the mountain and sings:
“O mountain guard of a noble race!
May the god who heals us land his aid,
And let that glory come to pass
For our king’s cradling –ground”
Then he thanks god to protect Oedipus:
“ Of the nymphs that flowers beyond the years
Who bore you , royal child.”
The chorus feels that gods protect Oedipus through Cithairon which is the evidence of his divinity . This song is full of expectations. Chorus has best wishes for Oedipus .
5).The forth ode and fifth song comes after the discovery of Oedipus’ self identification. Oedipus condemns his birth , his marriage and his act of killing his father. In this song chorus comments on Oedipus’ tragic fall and says:
“Alas for seed of men
What  measure shell I give these generations
That breath on the void and are void.
And exit and do not exit?”
In these lines he preaches the philosophy of nothingness of man . He also discusses the role of fate in the tragic fall of Oedipus.
“That mind was a strong bow.
Deep,, how deep you drew it then hard archer,
At the dim fearful range,
And brought dear glory down! ”
 In these lines he complaints the fate . He also shows love for king in this ode and gives him titles:
:Fortress against our sorrow
Divine king, giver of laws
Majestic Oedipus! ”
In this song chorus shares the feelings of audience and readers. He feels pity and fear in this situation as he says:
“That with my wailing lips I take to cry
For I weep the words outcast.
I was blind , and now I can tell why:
Asleep for you had given ease of breath…”
6). He sings the exode song after the death of Jocasta and blinding of Oedipus. In this last song he first tells about the past status of Oedipus , then he describes his present status:
“Yet in the end ruin swept over him”
He also gives a moral lesson in this song that no one should be declared a fortunate till the last day of one’s life.
The play begins with the entry of Oedipus and ends with the philosophy and moral lesson presented by chorus.
The various songs of chorus tells the readers and audience about the changing situations . He sings in such a style. He sometimes sings about the situation of Thebes. Sometimes he makes prayer,  sometimes he makes wishes, sometimes expresses joy and grief and sometimes preaches philosophy and moral lessons.
The chorus also takes part in the development of plot. He plays a very important role when he settles the matter between Oedipus and Creon, by saying:
“This is well said and a prudent man would ponder it
Judgments too quickly formed are dangerous.”
These lines show his wisdom and status that he can point out even the king. Oedipus discusses his political and personal matters in the presence of chorus which shows that he trusts him. His dialogues are very powerful in the play. When the messenger of Corinth  asks him about Oedipus he say:
“It is very place stranger, he is inside .
this is his wife and mother of his children.”
He is also representative of audience . He has the same questions and feelings in his mind and heart which rises in the hearts and minds of audience. He expresses his disappointment that oracle had not mentioned the name of Laious’ murderer. In this way he represents audience. He shares the feelings of pity and fear of readers and audience. He feels pity and fear of readers and audience. He feels pity on the tragic fall of the king and says:
“ Is he in agony still? Is there no rest for him?”
Chorus represents audience again when he shows his worry over Jocasta’ departure in a very dejected mood. He says:
“ I fear this silence: something
Dreadful may come of it.”
He plays the role of mediator when he convinces Oedipus that Creon is a sincere friend. He says:
“ A friend so sworn should not be baited so
 In blind malice, and without final proof.”
He is also the representative of writers . He preaches writer’s philosophy that gods are supreme. He also gives philosophy about the existence of man. As he says:
“Let every man in mankind’s frailty
Consider his last day, and let none
Presume on his good fortune until he find
Life at his death a memory without pain. ”
In this way he presents the ideas, themes, philosophy and moral lessons of Sophocles .
In short , it is clear that chorus is a very powerful character. He is the most composed character of the play. He can judge the situations batter than all other characters because he is not a part of any tragic happening of the play. The contribution of chorus makes the play universal, otherwise it would on individual level.                                            


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